Saturday, February 18, 2017

You Can't Go Right and Left at the Same Time

Some of you have asked why my blog is called "When Right is Wrong." When I made the decision to start writing, I became curious as to why people look at the same thing with different points of view. We had just gone through two years of the nastiest presidential election ever. The college basketball season was in full bloom and the fanatics were out in full force. I kept seeing instances of where two groups of people could look at the same thing and see two, totally different sides of it. I wanted to address this as well as other things that cross my mind.

We always want the police to leave us alone when we are doing things we shouldn't. How many times have you said to yourself, "Where's a cop when you need one?" Then, the first (or the millionth) time you are speeding on the interstate, guess who show's up? Now, your thoughts center around why this cop isn't out catching real criminals. 

This past week has been hard on President Trump and his cabinet nominees. To hear him and his supporters, the "fake media" and the "cry baby" liberals are to blame for his nominees having to drop out of contention. One of his nominees is in hot water because he allegedly failed to pay taxes for his immigrant employee for six years. Wait! Isn't this the same group of people who wanted Trump to "build a wall" in order to keep illegal immigrants out? If this had been one of Barack Obama's cabinet nominees, there would have been uprisings.

Sports fans are probably the worst at being impartial. It is a crazy sight to sit next to a hardcore fan when he thinks his team is getting shafted by the referees. I can watch the same game and see a game totally differently. I mean does the increased bloodflow to the fan's brain when they are watching game cause their vision to become altered in some way? To hear them say it, there are no marginal calls. If the calls don't go their way, it must be because the referees don't want their team to win.

The most extreme and controversial example of this is the court's handling of serious crimes. I can't tell you the number of times I've heard friends of mine complain because they have family members who committed crimes while under the influence. They didn't complain because of the family member...they complained because they felt the courts were too harsh on their family member. The ironic tragedy is the same people who beg for mercy for their family members, want the courts to prosecute anyone who commits crimes against them to fullest extent of the law. Folks, we can't have it both ways.

We are living in a time where right is only right when it benefits us. There are justifications made all of the time for why it's okay for you to do something to someone, but it's not okay for the same thing to be done to you. We have truly forgotten the golden rule and how it applies to the circle of life. You can only get out of this world what you put into it. If you continue to live in a spirit that makes it okay for you to do wrong to others, wrong will continue to find its way back to you. Every time you get away with something, someone else is getting away with it too. What we don't realize is that next time, they might get away with doing it to you.


  1. True!! People don't like to admit that they are wrong. Even when they apologize, they often include a "but". A "but" relieves them of responsibility.

  2. It's amazing what people will do and deny it's wrong.
